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 "My philosophy is to create elements of personal adornment emitting surprise and whimsy with attention to detail and craftsmanship. I believe happiness is life's purest gift - sharing that emotion through with my work is a fine honor." 

My given name is Monica Suzette and I've always been known as 'Sue'. I'm a designer, creator, lover of whimsy and creating my space, biker, skier, gardener, companion to four dogs and blessed to live with the love of my life. I was raised by two beautiful parents in Bozeman, MT, spent lots of time camping, roaming the woods and being a kid in an awesome place. I was given an amazing beginning along with three siblings, filled with love, adventure and a meaning of life derived through subsistence and respect for our surroundings .

Feeling driven to express is a blessing that allows the Sue to move beyond her self-censorship and find joy in creating.

Each piece is designer-created in her Northern Montana studio incorporating a combination of ancient and modern process and materials. Starting with a layered collection of colors, reflective of her surroundings, which are marred and hand-sliced to create the base pallet.

Further embellishment via drawing, riveting, lacing or adding semiprecious and precious elements then mounting each piece to rustic metals.


  • Who you are: Sue Savage

  • Why you sell the items you sell: I love making things that make others happy. 

  • Where you are located: Missoula, Montana

  • How long you have been in business: since 2005

  • Who are the people on your team: Currently Finley, Willie, Mr. Berns and myself. RIP Cooper, Bella, Porter, Duke, Lady and Barley too.